
Pointure-practices in visual representation and textual discourse – a tapestry and a fugue

  • Leora Farber Director, Visual Identities in Art and Design Reseach Centr e, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg.
  • Ann-Marie Tully Research Associate, Visual Identities in Art and Design Research Centre, Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture, University of Johannesburg.


The articles presented in this special edition of Image & Text may be likened to a fugue of contrapuntal voices1 expressed in textual modes and threaded around Jacques D errida’s (2009 [1978]) theoretical maxim of “pointure”. The notion of “pointure” arises from Derrida’s essay, “Restitutions de la verite en pointure” (“Restitutions of the truth in pointing”) in which he explores the discursive theme of the “inside” and “outside” of a text.
